5 Best and Worst States for Freight
If you’re looking for loads, you’d do well to get yourself to Texas. For the first half of 2018, freight
If you’re looking for loads, you’d do well to get yourself to Texas. For the first half of 2018, freight
When a broker or shipper says that they want to track a load, it can seem like a hassle. It
It’s typical for freight markets to slump in mid-July, and last week’s national metrics fell in line with that seasonal
Reefer markets continued to sizzle during the last week of June, as the end of Q2 and the upcoming 4th
As expected, June went into the books with the highest spot market rates on record. The national averages for all
Trucks have been in short supply so far in June, and that’s been especially true in many of the major
Spot market demand has already exploded in June. Last week was the annual inspection blitz, Roadcheck, which typically leads to
DAT Pricing Analyst Mark Montague appeared on Land Line Now to discuss the latest spot market trends. He explained the
Many truckers adjusted their schedules ahead of Memorial Day to avoid running out of hours and getting stuck away from
Demand for flatbed transportation has been off the charts for much of 2018. For a seven-week stretch in April and
With the recent upheavals in the cost of shipping, it’s more important than ever to analyze how your company’s prices
With the recent upheavals in the cost of shipping, it’s more important than ever to analyze how your company’s prices