We believe truckers, brokers, and shippers are the lifeblood of the economy. Their work is difficult, essential, and often goes unrecognized. As a result, they’re often underserved by the services and help many of us take for granted, mainly physical and mental health resources, financial aid, and emotional support. 

That’s why DAT is excited to announce a new partnership with the St. Christopher Truckers Relief Fund. This collaboration is a commitment to develop health initiatives that serve the unsung heroes of our roads: truckers. St. Christopher’s mission is simple — save lives by charitably giving aid to truckers in need. 

Click here to read more about St. Christopher Truckers Relief Fund. 

The healthy road ahead

Truckers are often underserved in terms of health care. This collaboration aims to redefine this narrative with direct action: offering aid to those in crisis but also empowering truckers with preventative health and wellness programs.

Smoking cessation, vaccine vouchers, diabetes prevention courses, and even prostate cancer screenings — it’s a comprehensive approach aimed at not just treating but preventing ailments, ensuring truckers lead healthier lives on and off the clock.

Finance and friendship on the highway

Emergencies never clock out. They can arise in any miles-long stretch of a trucker’s day. This partnership commits both financial aid and emotional support, ensuring that when the unexpected strikes, truckers don’t stand alone. It’s not just about money – it’s about building a robust support system that unites the wider trucker community.

No trucker should have to choose between their health and their financial stability or take on stresses alone. 

On-road ambassadors of well-being

Trucking is not just a job; it’s a lifestyle, with its own unique set of demands and pressures. For truckers always on the road, dependable healthcare can be hard to find. This partnership advocates for the right to access health resources. With online platforms and mobile resources, we’re bringing support to the very place it’s most needed — the road.

The alliance of empowerment

This partnership shows DAT’s commitment to enabling truckers to take the reins of their own well-being.

At its heart, this is empowerment. Empowerment through access, through friendship, and through community. DAT and St. Christopher’s have combined not just resources, but also visions of a healthier, happier, and more empowered trucking community. It’s not just about surviving, it’s about thriving. 

Click here to read more about St. Christopher Truckers Relief Fund.

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