The deadline for reefer compliance was January 1, and California’s Air Resources Board (CARB) is already fining carriers for continuing to use non-compliant transport refrigeration units (TRU) within the state’s borders.

Shippers, freight forwarders and brokers are also liable, however. If you expect to handle any refrigerated freight in California during the peak produce season, you can still set up your due diligence procedures for CARB-TRU compliance – now with help from DAT CarrierWatch.

CarrierWatch gives you instant access to a list of carriers whose reefer fleets are fully CARB-compliant. You can search the DAT Registry for a compliant carrier by simply checking a box:

Listings in the DAT Directory will also indicate 100% TRU compliance:

CarrierWatch makes it easy for you to find the right truck, including CARB-compliant reefers. Now, if you want to know more about the going rate per mile in that California-bound lane this week, search DAT RateView!

For more information about these and other DAT products and services, please contact your account manager, call 1-800-551-8847 or fill out this online inquiry form.

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