DAT Trendlines has undergone a total makeover, adding color, maps and other enhancements that improve the visitor’s experience.

The DAT web site continues to provide trend information on spot market freight availability, truck capacity and rates, at no charge, and fans of DAT Trendlines can subscribe to weekly email updates. All the data is preserved, derived from DAT Load Boards and DAT RateView, and Trendlines fans who have bookmarked their favorite pages will be redirected automatically to find the same information they have relied on for more than four years.

Here is a quick tour of the new features:

On the DAT Trendlines home page, you will see a summary of trends for the most recent week and month. Here is a copy of this week’s page:

Go to the page and click on the buttons in the upper right corner of the page to view other Trendlines pages. choose the National page plus an equipment type, then go to the third row and select Rates (derived from DAT RateView)

Choose an equipment type — Reefer, for example — and click Demand to learn about trends in the load-to-truck ratio, a key spot market indicator that expresses the balance between load availability and truck capacity on DAT Load Boards.

If you have been following DAT Truckload Trends, you can find the same regional and national van rate trends now on DAT Trendlines, with a separate page for each region:

Please visit DAT Trendlines and let us know how you like it. Is there additional information you would like to see? Type your request in the space below, and join the conversation! Thanks.

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