Now that the ELD mandate is finally official, trucking companies have until Dec. 16, 2017 to comply. The slow season is a good time to start looking at what options fit your fleet. While hours-of-service can be an administrative pain, most of the fleet managers I’ve talked to are more interested in being able to see where their trucks are, and they want to make sure that those assets are in safe hands.

If you’re already searching for ELD solutions, you might consider looking into a fleet management system as well. That would give you access to real-time GPS tracking of all the trucks in your fleet, plus paperless IFTA fuel tax reporting, and driver safety reports. You’ll also get the driver e-logs that your fleet will need to stay compliant two years from now.

Find out how to stay compliant

Saving Time = Saving Money

Your fleet is most productive when you get the most out of your drivers’ hours. The same is true for your back office operations. Most big fleets have already invested in expensive fleet management systems that give them automated IFTA fuel tax reports, plus cost-savings reports on things like fuel consumption and driver safety. One advantage of the ELD mandate is that more options will be made available to smaller fleets, but a lot of the new products are coming from GPS companies that haven’t worked much in the trucking industry.

DAT InView™ is a fleet management system made specifically for small to mid-sized carriers. You can get the same tools that the big fleets use, but at a fraction of the cost.

  • Paperless IFTA: Automatic reports on taxable miles, state-line crossings, fuel consumption
  • Driver e-logs: Get every drivable minute out of your drivers’ hours with editable e-logs
  • No more check calls: GPS tracking and in-cab communication
  • Faster roadside inspections: No paperwork for law enforcement to sift through
  • Proof of detention time: Hold shippers and brokers accountable for excessive detention at the dock


Find out more about advanced engine data

6 Ways to Control Your Costs

Track your expenses and make your fleet audit-proof:

  • No more HOS fines: Eliminate form and manner violations
  • Eliminate out-of-route miles: Track truck location and re-create routes
  • Control fuel costs: Track idle time and speeding
  • Safer driving: Driver safety reports on hard turns, speeding, etc.
  • Engine Alerts: Advanced alerts for engine faults and maintenance issues
  • Custom reports: Quickly create reports that fit your business

For more information about DAT InView, send us an email, call your DAT account representative, or call DAT customer support at 800-547-5417.

What Does the ELD Mandate Mean for Owner-Operators?

Over on our new blog, The Edge, we’ll be looking at how owner-operators can turn the ELD mandate into a money-making opportunity. Check the blog daily for updates that can help your business. There will also be a weekly newsletter that’s specifically for owner-operators. Subscribe to The Edge to get the latest news and info about ELDs and more.

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