Would you add a leg to your trip that boosts your total trip revenue by nearly 50%?

DAT RateView automatically suggests profitable back haul routes, including:

  • Up to five possible TriHaul™ routes
  • Total miles of TriHaul vs. backhaul
  • Per-mile rates of TriHaul vs. backhaul
  • Potential for additional revenue from TriHaul route

With year-round crops out of the McAllen, Texas produce market, it’s typically a very active lane for temp-controlled equipment. But, instead of taking the usual round-trip route from Dallas to McAllen, if you added a leg to Shreveport, LA (another hub for food producers), you could boost your revenue by 49%.

The added leg does increase your mileage, but it’s just 27% more miles, which can easily be accomplished in the same number of days as the Dallas to McAllen trip.

Reefer TriHaul: Dallas – McAllen – Shreveport
Route Total Miles Total Rate
w/ Fuel
Line Haul
Total Pay
w/ Fuel
Dallas / McAllen (round-trip) 1,014 $2.14 $1,638 $2,165
Dallas / McAllen / Shreveport 1,283 $2.51 $2,557 $3,224
TriHaul vs. Backhaul 269 $0.38 $919 $1,059
Percentage Increase 27% 18% 56% 49%

If you don’t already have both DAT Load Boards and RateView, consider ordering yours today, so you can get the integrated rates and TriHaul features as soon as they are available. Contact your DAT account manager or call 800-551-8847 and ask for a sales representative.

Image by Nathan Pham via Wikipedia

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