Your truck is stuck in a city where your usual backhaul is not available, or the rates you’ve been offered just don’t cover your costs. Now what?

If you subscribe to a DAT Power Load Board and DAT RateView™, you will soon have a ready-made answer: find a TriHaul™. Beginning in a few weeks, your DAT Power Load Board will actually recommend alternative routes, including the per-mile rate and total rate for the trip that other trucks are getting now.

You can choose the best-paying backhaul, or find loads for two shorter trips that will get your truck home with more money. You might even find that a short deadhead can re-position your truck to get paid even more than you would on a route with higher loaded miles. You can choose the option that fits your schedule, your driver’s hours of service and every other requirement. You may also find that the TriHaul feature enables you to accept good head haul freight that would have been unprofitable when paired with a low-paying backhaul. Even a headhaul can sometimes be replaced profitably with two legs that get you to your target destination.

Whatever you choose, you will make your decision based on actual rates that are being paid to other carriers by freight brokers and 3PLs right now. All rates are averaged and anonymous, so you won’t see the individual brokers’ pricing details. But you can verify what each alternative route is likely to pay out for your van, reefer or flatbed. You’ll make informed choices, and you’ll make more money.

DAT RateView offers suggested routes, including TriHaul triangular routing, so you can make more money on every round-trip. A TriHaul that substitutes two shorter hauls for a direct backhaul from Harrisburg PA to Madison WI, as pictured above, can add $500 to $1,000 to the round-trip revenue with a modest increase in mileage. RateView is available now, and will soon be integrated into DAT Load Boards, for added convenience.

When you are ready to start making more money on every round trip, call our award-winning customer support team at 800-551-8847 or fill out the online form. Ask for a demo of the DAT Load Board with integrated spot market rates from DAT RateView.

If you don’t already have both DAT Load Board and DAT RateView, consider ordering yours today, so you can get the integrated rates and TriHaul features as soon as they are available. Contact your DAT account manager or call 800-551-8847 and ask for a sales representative.

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