DAT just introduced our new load visibility platform for freight brokers. DAT OnTime™ tracks your loads using an app installed on the driver’s smartphone.

DAT OnTime gives you real-time visibility, so you can identify potential service failures immediately and manage them proactively. It reduces the need to make check calls just to determine the driver’s location. You can monitor all your loads while you work, without interrupting the driver.

You can start tracking your loads as soon as you sign up for DAT OnTime. There’s no setup fee or long-term contract, just an affordable monthly fee based on your usage, starting as low as $1.00 per load.

With DAT OnTime, you can see all your loads on a national map or drill down to view details of each individual load.

Brokers Can Offer Additional Services

Load tracking gives you access to new customers and may earn you additional business from existing customers.

  • New business opportunities – Gain access to the growing number of shippers who require load tracking.
  • Improve customer service – Compete for higher-value or urgent loads, where tracking is essential.
  • Save time – You know where all your loads are, so you don’t need to call the driver unless there’s a problem.
  • Save money – Get DAT OnTime for as low as $1 per load, with monthly subscriptions based on your usage. No long-term contracts, no setup fees.
  • Start right away – Don’t wait weeks to get started. Sign up for DAT OnTime and start tracking your loads today.

> Request a demo of DAT OnTime


DAT OnTime shows the location of each load you’re tracking, along with the status of that load.

Carriers Gain Business Opportunities

DAT OnTime is a convenient way for carriers to gain new business.

  • Work with new brokers – Get access to higher-value loads — and customers — that require tracking.
  • Free to carriers – Drivers simply download the free app and turn it on.
  • Maintain privacy – When the load is delivered, the driver can turn off the app.
  • Fewer interruptions – Drivers can do their jobs, without being interrupted by check calls.
  • Peace of mind – For more than 40 years, truckers have trusted DAT, which has a reputation for protecting their customers’ privacy.

For more information, or to request a demo of DAT OnTime, send us an email or call 800.551.8845.

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