DAT has updated its popular Zip Zone and Key Market Area wall map. It’s a common sight on the walls in offices of both brokers and carriers, and it’s free for the asking. The two-sided, 22 x 17 inch wall map includes:

Zip Zone map

ZIP Zones come in handy when using DAT’s loadboards. For example, when a carrier posts a truck, he needs to specify where he is willing to go. If a carrier is willing to drive to any state on the East Coast, he can simply list Z0, Z1, Z2, rather than typing in a dozen separate states.


Key Market Areas map

Key Market Areas are helpful when pricing freight to and from a specific location. A Key Market Area, or KMA, is a collection of 3-digit ZIP code areas that are influenced by or “keyed” to a major city or economic center. KMA boundary lines are determined where one city’s influence wanes and another city’s influence takes precedence, and do not stop at state lines. For example, the Memphis KMA includes portions of Western Tennessee, Northern Mississippi, and Northeastern Arkansas.

How to get yours

If you would like to see the map or print it out yourself, you can download a PDF version from our website.

If you would like to receive the free full-sized color map in the mail, please contact your account representative, send an email to DAT Customer Support or call Customer Support at 800-547-5417.

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