
Vanrates from Stockton, Ca. rebounded 2.2% compared to the previous week. Thismarket recorded the greatest decline in rates last week and I’m glad to see iton the top again. While Stockton may not hold its rank as top gaining market, Ido see rates from here staying positive. Maybe the ports in Los Angeles willeven follow suit and record a week over week rate increase…


Overallvan rates dipped 1.1% in major markets, in the seven days ending September 21. Thedecline in rates for this segment interrupted the steady rise over the pastthree weeks. Atlanta recorded the largest decline as the majority of lanes dippedbut other declining markets include Los Angeles, Dallas, Chicago and Memphis. Withthe majority of major markets recording a dip in rates it might signal asoftening in the consumer goods season. I’ll keep an eye out, and compare van rate trendsto 2010 next week when we have a firmer number for September.


Reeferproduce rates remained stable week over week while load volume declined. Lastweek rates dipped as volume rose. Typically, rates and volume move in similardirections or, as volume increases one week, rates catch up the following week.Major produce markets recorded relative stability while northern regions areexperiencing a boom in rates and volume. Some regions, like the Northwest andRocky Mountain States, are predicting prolonged warm weather which might delaythe final harvest.

Haveyou seen a rise in van rates from Stockton? Or a fall in Atlanta? How about thereefer produce market, what do you see happening as some harvests near theirlast?

As always, I will also be available LIVE on the blog Monday,September 26, at 4:30PM (Pacific) answering your questions on rates andtrihauls. If you have a question, feel free to submit it in the comments at thebottom of this post, and I’ll answer it LIVE on the blog, Monday afternoon!

For more detailed information on current spotmarket lane rates and freight movement sign up for TransCore Trendlines.

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