Warehouse space remains the big challenge for major freight and port markets
The Biden Administration recently announced that Georgia’s Port of Savannah will be able to reallocate $8 million to create five
The Biden Administration recently announced that Georgia’s Port of Savannah will be able to reallocate $8 million to create five
Trucks to haul sweet potatoes are in short supply in the Eastern North Carolina region this week, according to the
The major components of President Biden’s $1.2 trillion infrastructure package includes $110 billion allocated for fixing and building roads, bridges,
If it’s not bad enough that there’s a shortage of traditional Thanksgiving foods this year due to unprecedented supply chain
The general theme of the 2021 freight market has been one of material and labor shortages hampering production, which was
The U.S. is the world’s largest turkey producer and exporter of turkey products by far. It accounts for 52% of
The fourth quarter is poised for strong demand for truckload freight, especially in the dry van sector. Persistent consumer demand
The supply of raw steel continues to improve for both domestic production and imports based on the latest report from
For temperature-controlled carriers looking to get a good read on future demand, the Technomic TIndex is an excellent data point
The recently released U.S. Bank Freight Payment Index reported growth, albeit at a slightly slower pace in the third quarter
Ongoing supply chain disruptions are expected to impact this year’s Thanksgiving celebrations, with manufacturers facing a shortage of both ingredients
Both housing starts and new permits missed market expectations last week. The flatbed freight intensive single-family home sector was flat