The Trucker: Winter’s chill on logistics: Spot rates and volumes take a hit
Harsh winter travel conditions across the country constrained capacity, but not enough to heat up national average spot truckload rates, according to DAT Freight & Analytics.
CCJ Digital: Will modern tech fall by the wayside like CB radios?
Utah-based Deseret Transportation’s fleet of less than 50 trucks still uses CB radios, finding them especially useful going over Donner Pass in a snowstorm, or when starting up the canyon from Laramie toward Sherman, Wyoming.
December increase in the need for trucks, including a 3% surge in spot reefer demand, indicates trucking benefited from solid retail and grocery sales ahead of the holidays.
The Trucker: Truckload spot volumes end year on high note
Demand for trucks on the spot market rose in December, suggesting solid retail and grocery sales ahead of the holidays, according to DAT Freight & Analytics.
Supply Chain 247: Spot and contract truckload activity shows positive signs to end 2024, reports DAT
Spot market trucking activity demand and rates saw gains over the month of December, in advance of the holidays, according to the new edition of the DAT Truckload Volume Index, which issued today by DAT Freight and Analytics.
Logistics Management: Spot and contract truckload activity shows positive signs to end 2024, reports DAT
Spot market trucking activity demand and rates saw gains over the month of December, in advance of the holidays, according to the new edition of the DAT Truckload Volume Index, which issued today by DAT Freight and Analytics.
Freight Caviar: J.B. Hunt faces freight recovery challenges, import growth boosts trucking, and truckers push back on limiters
The deadline to file comments on the proposed broker transparency regulation has passed, and as President Trump assumes office today, the industry is wondering which direction policies will sway.
Year-over-year increase in loads posted to the U.S. truckload spot market in December, as truck postings fell by 32% in the same month, according to DAT Solutions.
Journal of Commerce: J.B. Hunt preparing customers for boost in contract rail rates in 2025
J.B. Hunt Transport Services is warning shippers to prepare for higher rates for intermodal rail service in 2025 but acknowledges that market conditions may not favor carriers until the third quarter.