Cross Border eManifest Services

Streamline your cross-border shipments and improve your efficiency. If you’re a carrier crossing the U.S. and Canadian border, you’re required to submit an electronic manifest to government agencies. DAT partners with Global eTrade Services (GeTS) to simplify that process.

Stay legal with simple and flexible eManifest service options

Maintain accuracy

Use the validation wizard to guide and ensure data accuracy so you never have to worry about any crossing being illegal.

Stay secure

Access cloud-based hosting to guarantee security, reliability and speed.

Integrate your applications

GeTS easily integrates with dispatch or ERP systems.

Eliminate headaches with Managed Service.

Avoid border delays

Managed Service ensures all of your paperwork is properly filed so your drivers can quickly cross borders without delays.

Get end-to-end management services

Our team of highly trained compliance specialists will fully manage your eManifest from start to finish.

Stay in the loop

GeTS offers full visibility into shipments with real-time alerts and mobile app tracking.

Plans & Pricing

Cross Border eManifest Services

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A few things you
might be asking yourself

An eManifest is a document that allows carriers to cross the border between the U.S. and Canada. The U.S. Customs Border and Protection (CBP) and the Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) created the eManifest program together. It requires highway carriers to submit freight information electronically before they arrive at the border. The goal is to streamline customs clearance by allowing shipment details to be assessed and approved by Customs officials in advance of a truck’s arrival.

Yes — ACE/ACI manifests are required for all carriers crossing the border between the U.S. and Canada. In fact, if a carrier does not submit an eManifest, the truck can be refused entry and the carrier may be fined thousands of dollars.

Submitting an eManifest is mandatory. Failing to do so or improperly filing an eManifest can impact your bottom line. Cross-border eManifest services like those offered by DAT and Global eTrade Services (GeTS) simplify the eManifest process to ensure you do it right every time.

If you don’t use an eManifest service, you run the risk of either forgetting to file your eManifest or filing it improperly. That can lead to major fines and a refusal of entry. If you want to eliminate headaches, avoid delays and stay legal, you should use an eManifest service like GeTS.

GeTS provides best-in-class software and service to help you streamline your cross-border operations. If you’re looking to improve your efficiency or scale your cross-border business, contact DAT’s trusted eManifest partner today!

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Already using an eManifest service?

Check out these other solutions from DAT.
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