In the News

Freight Waves: DAT celebrates 40 years of innovation

Back in the day, brokers seeking truck drivers used to post index cards describing available loads on bulletin boards at truck stops around the country. It was a messy and inefficient system, but in 1978, a Portland, OR., company called Dial-a-Truck, or DAT, thought there must be a better way.

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Wall Street Journal: Heavy-Duty Truck Orders Hit the Brakes in November

Orders for heavy-duty trucks declined in November for the first time this year, falling to the lowest level in 14 months and providing a fresh sign the North American trucking market is cooling down.

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Freight Waves: Iconic Oregon truck stop bucks consolidation trend

Way before DAT Solutions was even a twinkle in Fred Jubitz’s eyes, the CEO of Jubitz Corporation was making history at the company’s flagship travel center.

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Journal of Commerce: Contract pricing power of US truckload carriers seen easing

A new survey from Citi Research confirms the sticker shock of US truck rates is over and shippers may have more leverage in 2019 contract negotiations than previously thought.

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Wall Street Journal: Trucking Companies Boost Prices Amid Capacity Squeeze

Trucking companies are flexing their pricing power, pushing retailers and manufacturers to pay more to buy into a strong U.S. economy and adding to inflation pressures in supply chains.

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Wall Street Journal: Truck Orders Pull Back From Record Highs

Shipments on trucking spot markets declined 12% from August to September, according to DAT Solutions Inc., which matches available trucks and loads.

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Transport Topics: Tonnage Slips 1.8% in August

Load board operator DAT Solutions reported its Sept. 15 total spot rate is $2.15 per mile for average van rates nationally, down from June’s all-time high of $2.31 a mile. At the end of September 2017, the rate was $1.97 a mile.

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Journal of Commerce: Contract US truck rate growth to slow, but still climb, in 2019

"There is enough pressure from the economy to continue to push rates higher but at a more moderate pace going forward," said DAT industry analyst Mark Montague.

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NPR: Hurricane Florence: Travel Begins To Snarl As Storm Closes In

Trucks are rushing into the region to restock store shelves, but Peggy Dorf, a freight and logistics market analyst for DAT Solutions, says they won't be for much longer. "As soon as a storm is about to hit, all traffic stops in and out of the area u

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Journal of Commerce: US shippers guarantee volume to secure truck capacity

"Anecdotally we've heard from at least two sources that pricing is in such flux that it doesn't make sense to sit down and negotiate a one-year agreement, so they're going to shorter agreements right now," said Mark Montague, industry pricing analyst

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