In the News

Spot Market Activity Continues Run of Strong Months in November, Reports DAT

November marked another solid month for spot market activity, according to data issued by DAT Solutions. With spot market load volume and rates having risen for 18 months, the national average spot van rate hit $2.07 per mile.

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ELD Day One: How the Mandate is Shaking Up the Industry

After years in the making, the ELD mandate takes effect today, with big questions surrounding how it will disrupt and impact the industry.

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Two Chains: Blockchain, Supply Chain

The blockchain technology behind Bitcoin could speed up and cheapen industry sectors including freight logistics and supply chain management. DAT Solutions announced recently that it joined a trucking industry group to promote blockchain technology.

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Taming the Spot Market Beast

Trust and transparency are words not normally associated with truckload pricing. Enter Craig Fuller, armed with terabytes of pricing data from DAT, and an abiding faith in Adam Smith's "invisible hand" of the free market.

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ELD Rule Spurs Carriers, Truckers to Drop Slowpoke Shippers

The electronic logging device (ELD) mandate, set to go into effect Dec. 18, will focus attention on companies that habitually make drivers wait long hours to load or unload freight.

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Spot Market Conditions Remain in a Better Than Good Place, Reports DAT

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Spot Market Conditions Remain in a Better Than Good Place, Reports DAT

Spot market activity, in terms of metrics like loads, capacity, and rates, continues to show very positive momentum, according to DAT Solutions. Perhaps the most telling data point was that some spot rates came in above seasonal norms.

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Truck Tonnage Surges in October

Freight surged in October and carriers are bracing for what could be a record-breaking holiday shipping season. American Trucking Associations said its seasonally adjusted for-hire truck tonnage index climbed to 147.6 in October.

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Power Lunch: Trucking, Meet Hedging

Morgan Brennan of CNBC interviews TransRisk CEO Craig Fuller, as he describes the role of a trucking futures index. The index, which is under development, is based on DAT spot market rate data.

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Storms Snip US Truck Tonnage, but Freight Demand Rises

Truck tonnage moving on US highways slipped in September, after an increase in tonnage and shipments in August and despite high load volumes on US spot market load boards. That slight slip belied a strong year-over-year increase in tonnage.

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