Five Ways the Electronic Logging Device Is Changing Trucking
Many truckers and industry insiders thought that a federal rule that requires truckers to use electronic logging devices to track driving time would disrupt freight and logistics. It hasn’t happened yet, according to a survey by DAT Solutions.
Cargo Business News: Flatbed Freight on a Steep Incline
The demand for trucks to move construction materials, machinery, and other flatbed loads has been off the charts lately. Flatbed load-to-truck ratios have been rising since November and hit an all-time peak as I write this in mid-March.
Reuters: Corporate America’s New Dilemma: Raising Prices to Cover Higher Transport Costs
Cost cuts and higher margins at U.S. trucking and railroad operators is pinching their biggest customers [...] Dry van rates could rise as much as 10 percent in 2018, while “spot” rates hit record levels in January, according to DAT Solutions.
Transport Topics: Tonnage Rise Pushes Spot Rates Higher
DAT Solutions reported that capacity remained tight in January due to shipper demand and fallout from the Dec. 18 enactment of the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration’s electronic logging device mandate.
Food Dive: Trucker Shortage Means Late Deliveries and Higher Costs for Food Companies
For the past 15 years, the American Trucking Associations (ATA) has struggled with a driver shortage, and the problem has only gotten worse since the recession ended. According to an industry analysis by DAT Solutions, just one truck was available fo
Wall Street Journal: Trucking Rates Come Down a Bit but Problems Persist for Shippers
Last week, the average spot rate for the most common type of big rig was $2.17 per mile, down from $2.26 in January, though still up a third from a year ago, according to online freight marketplace DAT Solutions.
Supply Chain Management Review: DAT sees a growth spurt in spot truckload rates compared to contract rates
As the trucking market continues to see tight capacity, coupled with healthy demand, there has been an interesting story going on as it relates to the national average for spot and contract rates for the three-month period ending in January, accordin Loading Dock Wait Times Cost Truckers Over $1 Billion Annually
Truck drivers lose an estimated $1,281 to $1,534 a year and put themselves at higher risk for crashes because of unexpected wait times on loading docks, according to results of a much-anticipated government report. Freight Rates Soar for Small-Business Truckers in January
A stronger economy, the implementation of the federal electronic logging device mandate and inclement weather have pushed the need for more for trucking services, bumping up rates significantly from a year earlier, said Mark Montague, an analyst at D