In the News

Produce Blue Book: DAT Truckload Volume Index: Gap between spot and contract rates narrows in December

Spot truckload rates rose in December, and the gap between spot and contract van rates closed to its narrowest point since March 2022 when prices to move truckload freight were near all-time highs, said DAT Freight & Analytics, which operates the DAT One online freight marketplace and DAT iQ data analytics service.

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Overdrive Magazine: How much money are brokers really making from owner-operators’ hauls?

How much do brokers make on the loads you haul? How much do they deserve to make, and can they be trusted to honestly report the numbers?

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ISM World: Transportation Procurement Evolves, But Objectives Remain the Same

Being in the truck transportation industry for several decades offers the benefit of perspective. You’re not shocked when yesterday’s hot-button issue seems less important today. Or that best practices from an earlier time may prove detrimental.

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Journal of Commerce: US truck shippers seen prizing stability, capacity in 2024 bids

With freight demand still weak and rates flagging across all sectors of trucking, shippers are taking a bit of extra leverage into contract talks in early 2024. But many shippers reportedly are hesitant to use their leverage aggressively and are concerned with securing capacity ahead of demand.

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Forage Market Insights: Forage Market Insights: Inventories and weather are the drivers

Here’s Progressive Forage’s monthly look at factors impacting hay markets in the first quarter of 2024.

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Real Freight Talk Podcast: Real Freight Talk Ep.18 – Ken Adamo chief of anylatics at DAT

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Sales Chatter: Logistics Automation – What 2024 Holds

How will automation impact logistics in this year of tech and AI automation? What are the positives and negatives we could see? And how this will relate to more business, improved activity management, and overall career health.

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Journal of Commerce: Soft seasonal spot gains deflate US truckload expectations for rebound

Shipper-paid spot truckload rates in the US rose only negligibly in December, climbing an average of 3 cents per mile to $2.26 per mile, according to an analysis of all-inclusive pricing by the Journal of Commerce.

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Land Line Now: Podcast: Red flags to watch for in broker-carrier agreements

We sit down with OOIDA’s Government Affairs counsel to discuss broker-carrier agreements, what some red flags are and what you should do to keep yourself and your business safe.

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Freight 360: Ken Adamo’s Deep Dive into Broker Margins and Trucking Analytics| Episode 225

In this episode of Freight 360, we start 2024 with Ken Adamo, Chief of Analytics at DAT Freight and Analytics, discussing freight rates and the complexities of broker margins. Ken provides valuable insights into the analytics of trucking operations, highlighting the importance of overarching data in understanding broker margins. We also explore shipper strategies and their impact on carrier relations and industry recovery.

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