In the News

Food Logistics: Cargo Fraud, Unpredictable Costs, AI-Driven Analytics to Shift Business Landscape in 2024

Soft pricing. Unpredictable costs. Threats of fraud and cybercrime. Freight shippers, brokers and carriers are shifting tactics and accelerating the use of market data and artificial intelligence (AI)-driven analytics as they grapple with a shifting business landscape, according to new data from DAT Freight & Analytics.

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Overdrive: DAT launches new fuel card

DAT Freight & Analytics on Thursday introduced the DAT One Fuel Card, powered by OTR Solutions, offering savings, expense management tools and no in-network transaction fees.

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Land Line Now: Spot Market Update

What’s behind the constant claims of a driver shortage? Turns out turnover is a cheaper way to do business. That’s the subject of a new research paper. We’re joined by one of its authors, professor Stephen Burks of the University of Minnesota Morris.

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The Wall Street Journal: Number of the Day

Decline from October to November in loads posted to the truckload spot market, leaving load availability for the month down nearly 57% from the year before, according to DAT Solutions

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JOC: US truckload rates unlikely to see major holiday bump amid tepid peak season

Truckload rates ended November lower than October as the lead-in to the holiday season has been a lump of coal so far, according to data and conversations with shippers.

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Food Logistics: Women in Supply Chain Forum: Better Together is Best

We’re close to three weeks post-Women in Supply Chain Forum, and the aftermath of excitement and buzz generated from the 1.5-day conference is still very real. As one attendee and panelist said on LinkedIn, “have you ever made close to 200 friends in one day?!”

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Food Logistics: Navigating the new procurement landscape in 2024

The impacts of supply chain disruption have become increasingly severe, and, unfortunately, it seems shippers will have to buckle up for continued volatility in the long haul.

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Supply Chain Brain: Watch: Trends in Truckload Market Rates: Contract or Spot?

How did the COVID-19 pandemic affect shippers' decisions as to whether to pursue contract or spot rates in the truckload market? And what's the trend today? Chris Caplice, chief scientist with DAT and senior research scientist at MIT's Center for Transportation and Logistics, has answers.

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Land Line: Podcast: How the holiday affected the spot market

A shorter shipping week made for a large drop in load volume last week. We’ll speak with DAT’s Robert Rouse about how the Thanksgiving holiday impacted the spot market and how the price of diesel is impacting rates.

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Transport Topics: October Truck Tonnage Up Month-to-Month, Down Year-to-Year

Truck tonnage on an annual basis declined for an eighth consecutive month in October but improved slightly on a month-to-month basis, an indication that the industry is still clawing its way through a weak freight environment, American Trucking Associations said.

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