Freight Rates Tools for Shippers
Forecast Rates for Capacity Planning
Manage Transportation Procurement and Cost
- Benchmark RFP events and routing guides
- Compare carriers’ bids to prevailing rates
- Forecast rate trends, based on lane-by-lane analysis
- NEW! Predictive analytics with state-of-the-art forecasting
Actionable Insights into Emerging Freight Trends
- Improve truckload capacity and rate forecasts
- Assess potential impact of geographic and seasonal patterns
- Prevent capacity shortfalls during high-demand seasons
- Make smarter pricing decisions, based on prevailing rates

Benchmarking Tools in DAT RateView
- Database of $1 trillion in contract and spot market carrier settlements
- Benchmark your transportation costs against the prevailing market prices
- Rate histories for every point-to-point lane
- Multi-lane reports support customized rate benchmarking for procurement events

Get DAT RateView
Manage your transportation costs and get insights into trucking capacity with DAT RateView. Call 866.678.7065 to learn more and request a demo.

DAT Data Analytics
Get deep insights into spot market capacity and freight rates – the business intelligence you need to make informed decisions.

FREE 50 Lane Look-Up!
Benchmark your rates against $118 billion in actual transactions. Send us the origins and destinations for up to 50 lane routes for a free lane lookup.