Hot Shot Gooseneck

Hot Shot Gooseneck

DAT helps you find hot shot gooseneck loads that work for you.

DAT is the best place to find hot shot loads for a gooseneck. Our comprehensive load board makes it easy to find the right small-truck loads for your trucking business.

  • Find hot shot gooseneck loads for your business.
  • Get the best rates available with DAT.
  • Never miss a load that matches your search.
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Find hot shot gooseneck loads for your business.

Easily find the hot shot gooseneck loads that best fit your operation so you can get on the road fast.

Finding the perfect hot shot gooseneck load can be a challenge. Luckily, DAT has all the information you need to find the right fit. With over 267 million trucks and loads posted every year, DAT has the biggest on-demand hot shot freight marketplace out there. Thanks to unlimited searching and posting, DAT helps make sure you can always find the best loads and partners for your operation.

Get the best rates available with DAT.

Access information on potential business partners and average market rates on each lane you search.

DAT gives you all the information you need to make sure you’re getting the best rates and working with the most reliable partners possible. With DAT, you can research potential partners with the help of credit scores and company reviews. You can also find areas where trucks are in high demand by looking at inbound/outbound freight load volume by state. DAT even lets you see the average market rates on each lane you search.


Never miss a load that matches your search.

Use the free mobile app and set alarms so you never miss a matching load — no matter where you are.

With 644,500 loads posted every business day, you’re bound to find a load that works for you. Plus, instead of having to keep checking the load board throughout your day, DAT lets you set alerts for loads that match your criteria. With our mobile app, you can even create new searches and posts on the go!

“The DAT Load Board is the only one I use, and I really don’t see any interest in trying any other one.”

- Brian Stone, Stone’s Trucking LLC

"DAT Load Board is awesome. They even teach you how to book a load and how to use it on your computer or cell phone app. Highly recommend DAT!"

- Francis Gatmaitan, Alpha Trucking

Find Available Loads Today!

Get the most relevant matches for your business – the right load for the right truck at the right price, no matter where you are. DAT has the largest load board, with more than 235 million loads posted annually. Find the load board package that best suits your business below.

DAT Load Board

From $ 49 /mo