Truck Load Board

Truck Load Board

Truckers turn to DAT to leverage the largest network of available loads nationwide.

DAT’s unrivaled load board for truckers helps carriers find the most valuable loads around the country. With more than 235 million loads posted annually, our load board helps truckers break through to the next level and maximize the time they spend on the road.

  • Discover the best loads for truckers.
  • Utilize the most powerful load board in the country.
  • Power up your trucking business today with DAT.

Discover the best loads for truckers.

DAT’s vast freight network means truckers can always identify the most valuable loads in their area.

Our load board has transformed the trucking landscape, saving truckers time, money, and effort. More loads and operators use DAT than any other freight database out there, making it easier than ever to source the best business partners and most profitable loads using our platform. We also efficiently sort through your load criteria to match you with the loads you’re looking for so you can stay on the road as much as possible.

Utilize the most powerful load board in the country.

DAT provides the most comprehensive freight database for truckers in the country, with nearly 644,500 loads posted daily.

Our load board for truckers not only links you to more loads than ever before, but it also helps you find the highest rates and connect with the best partners in the business. Use our tools to review analytical data on market conditions, lanes, and vendors to ensure you’re always getting the deals you need to stay ahead of the competition.

Power up your trucking business today with DAT.

Our unparalleled tools help you strategically expand your operations to meet growing demand.

Truckers trust DAT to streamline and enhance the operational efficiency of their business. We work with truckers of all kinds — and with varying freight needs — to build out robust business pipelines. Leveraging our centralized superdatabase, carriers around the country are gaining immediate access to the first-class vendors, loads, and resources needed to sustain long-term growth.

“The DAT Load Board is the only one I use, and I really don’t see any interest in trying any other one.”

- Brian Stone, Stone’s Trucking LLC

"DAT Load Board is awesome. They even teach you how to book a load and how to use it on your computer or cell phone app. Highly recommend DAT!"

- Francis Gatmaitan, Alpha Trucking

Identify the most valuable loads today.

DAT has the largest freight network nationwide, helping truckers scale their businesses to new heights. Our one-of-a-kind load board empowers carriers with the tools they need to strategically grow their businesses. Join the largest load board for truckers today, and never let the most profitable loads go unnoticed!

DAT Load Board

From $ 49 /mo