Truck Loads

Truck Loads

Looking for where to find truck loads? DAT provides access to the most comprehensive load boards.
Our digital freight marketplace has the biggest superdatabase of lanes, loads, and drivers in the trucking industry. Find the most profitable truck loads online from your phone with our convenient mobile app.
  • Don’t stress about finding your next load.
  • Access different types of truck loads.
  • Get notified when loads match your search criteria.

Don’t stress about finding your next load.

DAT gives you access to more loads than anywhere else.

DAT’s digital marketplace makes it simple to search for the highest paying truck loads on your favorite routes, while inbound/outbound maps and market trends help keep you up to date on shifts in demand. We’ll take care of the logistics, so you can focus on getting your loads delivered.

Access different types of truck loads.

See average truck load prices and rates across all lanes.
DAT lets you perform unlimited searches for different kinds of load types, including local truck loads, interstate truck loads, part truck loads, small truck loads, commercial truck loads, and other specialty loads. We also provide accurate average rates data based on real transactions from the last 15 day when you’re searching for high paying loads.

Get notified when loads match your search criteria.

You’ll be notified when loads match your searches so you can get en route ASAP.

On average, there are 644,500 loads posted on the DAT network each business day. That’s a lot to keep track of, so DAT sends you notifications when loads are posted that match your criteria. We also provide you with broker credit scores and reviews to help you find the right business partners for growing your business.

“The DAT Load Board is the only one I use, and I really don’t see any interest in trying any other one.”

- Brian Stone, Stone’s Trucking LLC

"DAT Load Board is awesome. They even teach you how to book a load and how to use it on your computer or cell phone app. Highly recommend DAT!"

- Francis Gatmaitan, Alpha Trucking

Find Available Loads Today!
Get the most relevant matches for your business – the right load for the right truck at the right price, no matter where you are. DAT the largest load board, with more than 235 million loads posted annually. Find the load board package that best suits your business below.

DAT Load Board

From $ 49 /mo